Sunday, May 9, 2010


Sorry for the slow in posting. I have a ton of homework and I am getting behind! But... I had a surprise party for Viv! It was her birthday on the second so I decided it would be nice of me! I had a friend help, but then, at the last minute, she couldn't make it! So...Another friend came, and we all love her even more (joking Lela) so it was pretty fun. All I got her, believe it or not, was bread, cheese , and an empty wrapping paper tube. My favorite part was when she went! "OMG! I have to tell my mom!" And I said "Your mom already knows." She totally freaked out! (as usual) Then she had her real birthday the other day. We watched Nick ad Nora's Infinite Play list, 10 Things I hate About You, The Proposal, and Kipper the Dog! Kipper the dog has a low British accent and when he is inside, everything is white! Watch it on on the instant play. He also says to this hamster at one point: "Youah Soooo Clevah!" (that was my British accent!) we all totally cracked up! We had also gone to Squitler Fare Squair (Fitler Square Fair). Then the nest day, after Lela and Moldy left, Viv and I went back and bought a bag of three brownies, 2 iced teas, and we got her mom a mug and a candle, and all for 2.25$ we are amazing!!!!!!!!
As dramatically as ever (although a bit worn out),

p.s. Youah soooo clevah! (or are you!)

1 comment:

  1. Very Clevah! Happy late B-day viv! Fitler square fair was fun wasn't it?
